
We always need new volunteers in Scouting! But we have some specific vacancies to fill.

Last Updated – 10/June/24

Please use the form at the bottom of this page to contact our District Commissioner for more details

2nd Brooklands Scout Group

  • Scout leader
  • Beaver leader
  • Trustees

11th Sale Scout Group

  • Beaver leaders
  • Group Scout leader
  • Trustees

Sale Central Scout Group

  • Group Scout leader
  • Scout leader for existing Troop
  • Scout Leaders to start a second Scout Troop
  • Assistant Cub leader
  • Trustees

3rd Ashton Scout Group

  • Two Scout leaders
  • Beaver leaders to help expand capacity to two Colonies

14th Sale Scout Group

  • Cub leader
  • Leaders to expand Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Explorer Units

  • Leaders welcome at all three units
  • More leaders to enable expansion to four Explorer units

7th Sale Scout Group

  • Trustees
  • Scout leader

17th Sale Scout Group

  • Group Scout leader
  • Cub Leader
  • Scout leaders to start a second Scout Troop

District Team

  • ADC Cubs
  • ADC Scouts
  • District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC)

Please complete the form on the right

Our District Commissioner will be in touch asap, and you must be 18 or over

    Your Name *

    Your Email *

    Subject *

    Your Message *

    By submitting this enquiry you consent for your details to be shared amongst Sale District Scouts and the relevant local Scout Groups.
    If you do not wish for your details to be passed on, do not submit the enquiry.

    Click 'Send' to submit your enquiry