
Try more. See more. Do more. At Scout Network, you’ll stand on your own two feet, and make memories to last a lifetime.

Scout Network is for 18-25 year olds.

Scout Network is the fifth and final section of the Scouting movement. Scout Network members take part in a variety of activities, which they undertake and organise themselves with the support of a Scout Network Leader.

Example activities include abseiling, camping, circus skills, climbing, go-karting, gorge walking, hiking, pioneering and watersports.

All Scout Association members in the 18-25 age range will be automatically enrolled, even if they are a leader in another unit. This gives them the opportunity to take part in all that the section can offer, including their Queens Scout award.

In Sale District we have one Network Unit, which offers a full range of activities, and will be working on Scout of the World, Queens Scout and Explorer Belt awards as well as DofE Gold