County Beavers Cooking Competition

Congratulations to 2nd Brooklands who represented Sale District in this years’s County Cooking Competition. 2nd Brooklands came 5th, with the overall winners 3rd Davyhulme. Fantastic effort from 2nd B, great menu and presentation

St. George’s Day 2019

Our joint celebration of St George’s day with Sale Division Guides will be on Sunday 12th May in Worthington park. Come and join us for the Scouts and Guides parade at 1.30pm, followed by a family fun day in the…

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District Cubs Cooking Competition

Congratulations to 17th Sale Orion Cubs, who won the District Cubs Cooking competition at the weekend. 17th Sale Orion will represent Sale District at the County Cubs Cooking Competition later in the year

Wyvern ESU Platinum Awards

Fantastic presentation evening at Wyvern yesterday. Lots of badges presented, plus six Chief Scout’s Platinum awards. These are the first Chief Scout’s awards presented to Explorers in our District for a number of years, very well done to Lisa and…

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Sale Gang Show 2019 Dates

The next Sale Gang Show is 5th – 9th February 2019, with a signed performance on Friday 8th and matinee and evening performances on Saturday 9th. We would like to welcome as many people as possible from the deaf community…

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